Gov. Kasich participated on a panel with the Milken Institute to discuss the future of climate change solutions, and how best to achieve public support.

You can watch the full interview here.

The issue of the environment must be addressed now.

“There is an ongoing debate in regards to the seriousness of the issue of the environment. COVID has given us an opportunity to see clearly that action must be taken immediately on these issues, and there is no turning back. We cannot push the environment issue over the edge…there is no vaccine for the environment”.

Climate change solutions must become a bipartisan issue.

“The Republican Party must go deeper on the issue of the environment. The party as a while is still not aggressive on this subject…but we can get there by bringing more people together. We can do this by focusing on near term issues, such as water and air qualities. Many areas around the country are at risk today. We must come up with effective ways to bring people together on this issue – with public solutions, public efforts combined with private sector solutions.”

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